COVID-19 Precautions Measures 

We want to share that Kissimmee SDA Church is open for in person Adult Sabbath School, and Church Service. For everyone’s safety, it is extremely important that we all follow the guidelines outlined below. If we don’t follow the guidelines, we may have to transition back to only virtual services. Let’s work together to keep our opening safe for everyone!

  • Upon entering church, please wear a face mask. If you don’t have one of your own, extra masks will be available at the entrance to the church.
  • Please wash or sanitize your hands frequently. Hand sanitizer stations have been set up throughout the church.
  • Please refrain from handshakes and hugs.
  • Water fountains have been disabled and bottled water will be provided near the sanctuary entrance.
  • Sanctuary Seating - To allow for social distancing of 3 feet between individuals or family groups. 

Dismissal – You will be dismissed by pews into the outer aisle, beginning with the back row. Please exit directly through the front doors. Please do not stop to visit in the lobby.

Offerings and Donations – When you leave the Sanctuary, please place your envelopes in the offering plates located at the exits. As a courtesy to the Treasury Staff, please make sure that all offerings are placed inside an offering envelope and are marked for the offering category that you choose to designate. Any unmarked donations will be used for the Church Budget. Thank you in advance for being vigilant during our in-person programs and services. We look forward to seeing you Sabbath! God bless you and your family




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Announcements & Upcoming Events Calendar of Events Church Wide Business Meeting